Vietnam, a vibrant nation in Southeast Asia, offers significant opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, with its rapidly growing economy, skilled workforce, and advantageous geographical location. However, the complexities of establishing a business within a new cultural and legal framework can present challenges. This essay outlines a thorough guide for foreign investors, detailing the key steps and considerations necessary for effectively launching a business venture in Vietnam.

Legal basis:

– Vietnam Civil Code 2015

– Vietnam Enterprise Law 2020.


1. Business Aspect

1.1. Market Research and Idea Validation:

Market research and idea validation are the crucial first steps in building a successful business in Vietnam. Through market research, you’ll delve into the Vietnamese landscape, uncovering lucrative niches, analyzing competitors, and understanding consumer preferences. This helps you ensure your idea addresses a real need and isn’t simply a creative whim. Idea validation, like conducting surveys and focus groups, takes it a step further, testing the viability of your concept. It’s like taking your potential product for a test drive before investing significant time and resources. By combining these steps, you gain valuable insights that shape your business model, increase your chances of success, and avoid potentially costly blind spots. Remember, it’s better to refine your idea now than invest in something the market doesn’t want.

1.2. Choosing the Right Business Structure:

Choosing the right business structure in Vietnam is like picking the perfect tool for the job, and each structure comes with its strengths and limitations. Foreign investors have options like wholly-owned foreign enterprises (WOFEs) offering complete control but demanding higher investment. For those seeking local expertise and navigating bureaucratic hurdles, joint ventures (JVs) with Vietnamese partners are a strategic choice. However, sharing control and profits adds another layer of complexity. If your main goal is market research or limited activity, consider alternative options like representative offices or branch offices.

No matter your choice, understand the legal and financial implications of each structure. Seek expert advice to ensure your selected form aligns with your goals, funding capabilities, and long-term vision. Remember, the right structure can act as a springboard for growth, while the wrong one can create unnecessary roadblocks. Choose wisely, and your business will be well-positioned to thrive in the dynamic Vietnamese landscape.

1.3. Securing Investment and Funding

The initial capitalization of any enterprise is a critical juncture, and Vietnam offers a range of financing avenues for foreign investors. For ventures in their early stages, self-financing or contributions from business angels may be viable options. Venture capital firms, while potentially infusing larger sums, often demand rigorous due diligence and equity shares. Established businesses may avail themselves of commercial bank loans, providing access to significant capital but accompanied by interest rate considerations and repayment schedules.

The successful acquisition of financing hinges upon a persuasive business plan. Such a document should comprehensively dissect the Vietnamese market landscape, demonstrate robust financial projections, and detail strategies for mitigating potential risks. Highlighting the specific opportunities your venture presents within the Vietnamese context is crucial. Furthermore, government incentives and grants targeted towards your industry should be actively explored.

Effectively navigating the investment landscape requires meticulous research into potential financiers, tailored pitches that speak to their specific interests, and a compelling demonstration of your passion and expertise. By securing the right combination of resources and presenting a well-developed strategy, you can ensure your Vietnamese enterprise flourishes into a sustainable and rewarding endeavor.

1.4. Adapting to Cultural Differences

Embracing the cultural tapestry of Vietnam is not merely a courtesy, but a strategic imperative for your business success. Stepping into this dynamic landscape necessitates an adaptive mindset and a genuine appreciation for the nuances of Vietnamese customs and etiquette.

Respect is paramount. Familiarize yourself with local greetings, gestures, and communication styles. Active listening and patience are key, as indirect language and non-verbal cues often inform conversations. Understanding the concept of “face” and its importance in maintaining harmony within business interactions is crucial.

Building genuine relationships fosters trust and unlocks doors. Participate in local social events, learn basic Vietnamese phrases, and demonstrate a genuine interest in the culture. Respecting elders and hierarchies within organizations strengthens professional connections.

Navigating communication differences requires sensitivity and flexibility. Directness and assertiveness common in certain Western cultures may be perceived as confrontational in Vietnam. Opt for a collaborative approach, focusing on building consensus and saving face for all parties involved.

Remember, adaptation is an ongoing journey. Embrace opportunities to learn, apologize gracefully when missteps occur, and show your willingness to integrate. This not only fosters a positive work environment but also opens doors to deeper understanding and collaboration with your Vietnamese colleagues and partners. By demonstrating cultural sensitivity and adaptability, you can transform potential barriers into bridges, paving the way for a successful and culturally enriching experience in your Vietnamese business venture.

2. Legal Aspect

2.1. Pre-investment approval

Before diving into the establishment process for your mega investment project in Vietnam, it’s crucial to understand if it requires special approvals. This can significantly impact your timeline and preparation. Here’s a quick checklist to get you started:

a. Identify potential approval needs

  • Project types requiring special approvals:
    • Construction of residential housing projects
    • Airports, aerodromes, air transport businesses, cargo terminals, ports
    • Petroleum processing
    • Casinos and businesses involving betting
    • Infrastructure projects for industrial zones and export-processing zones
    • Nuclear power plants
    • Golf Courses
    • Special Land Use Rights
    • Projects located on or near islands, borders, coastal areas, and other defense-sensitive locations
    • Projects in sensitive heritage locations
    • Projects that require relocation of inhabitants
    • Projects that require the re-purposing of some types of forests or rice crops

b. Prepare requisite documentation:

  • Once you’ve identified the needed approvals, gather all the necessary documents and permits well in advance. This typically involves detailed project plans, environmental impact assessments, financial statements, and legal documents.

c. Work against application processing times:

  • Approval processes can vary in length, so factor in potential delays when planning your project timeline. Be prepared to communicate effectively with the relevant authorities and address any questions or concerns promptly.

2.2. Investment Registration Certificate (IRC) application

  • Kickstarting your foreign-owned investment project in Vietnam begins with obtaining the vital Investment Registration Certificate (IRC). This document serves as your official entry point, granting you the legal right to invest and do business within the country. Here’s what you need to know to secure your entrepreneurial passport:

Required Documents:

  • Application for Implementation of Investment Project: Dive into the specifics of your venture, laying out details like project goals, timelines, and operational plans.
  • Proposal of Investment Project: Craft a compelling narrative of your vision, outlining investment amounts, financing strategies, and any relevant agreements like lease contracts or land-use proposals.
  • Financial Statements: Demonstrate your financial muscle by providing the last two years of your company’s statements, potentially backed by additional documents proving your funding capacity.
  • Legal Papers: Showcase your legitimacy by presenting official documentation for yourself and your authorized representative (if applicable).
  • Lease Agreement or MOU: Secure your operational base by presenting a valid lease agreement or Memorandum of Understanding confirming your land or workspace arrangements.
  • Additional Documents: Be prepared to address any industry-specific or legal requirements depending on your project’s nature.


  • The standard review for your IRC application takes approximately 15 days from the date of submission. However, if your project falls outside of WTO-governed sectors, the process may require additional time for specific considerations.
  • Pro Tip: Streamline your application process by seeking experienced professional guidance who can navigate the nuances of Vietnamese investment regulations and ensure your documentation meets all the requirements.

2.3. Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC) application

No business can fully bloom in Vietnam without the official seal of approval – the Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC). This vital document signifies your legal existence within the Vietnamese market and comes with a built-in perk: its accompanying number transforms into your tax registration number, streamlining the compliance process.

Before you embark on your ERC journey, gather these essential documents:

Application for Enterprise Registration: Fill this out meticulously, providing all the necessary details about your fledgling venture.

Company Charter: Outline your company’s structure, governance, and key operational principles in this foundational document.

List of Board Members: Introduce the team steering your ship, detailing their roles and responsibilities.

List of Legal Representatives: Designate your official spokespeople, empowering them to act on your company’s behalf.

Power of Attorney: Formalize the authority granted to your designated representatives, leaving no room for ambiguity.


Get ready to celebrate your company’s official birth within three working days of submitting your complete application. Remember, accuracy and thoroughness are your allies in this swift process.

Ready to secure your ERC and watch your Vietnamese business blossom? Remember, seeking professional guidance can smooth the process, ensuring you cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s. With this vital certificate in hand, you’ll be poised to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with confidence and legal legitimacy.

2.4. Post licensing procedures

Once the IRC and ERC have been issued, additional steps have to be taken to complete the procedure and start business operations. This includes: 

  • Seal carving;
  • Bank account opening;
  • Labor registration;
  • Business license tax payment;
  • Charter capital contribution; and
  • Public announcement of company establishment

3. Why should you establish a business in Viet Nam?

The emerald dragon beckons, and for good reason. Vietnam isn’t just a captivating tourist destination; it’s a burgeoning economic powerhouse brimming with opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs like you. Consider this:

A Thriving Market: 90 million vibrant souls, a fast-growing middle class, and a rising disposable income paint a lucrative picture. Imagine tapping into this vast consumer base with your innovative idea, watching it resonate with their evolving needs.

Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to some regional competitors, Vietnam offers lower operational costs, from competitive labor rates to attractive tax incentives. Think leaner budgets, higher profit margins, and the agility to scale your business efficiently.

Strategic Hub: Nestled in Southeast Asia’s dynamic heart, Vietnam grants you access to a thriving regional market. Free trade agreements unlock doors to neighboring economies, allowing you to expand your reach and amplify your impact.

A Young and Agile Workforce: Vietnam boasts a burgeoning talent pool of educated, tech-savvy, and hardworking individuals. Imagine building a diverse, dynamic team fueled by youthful energy and eager to learn, innovate, and drive your vision forward.

Government Backing: Pro-business policies, investment incentives, and streamlined regulations pave the way for a smoother entrepreneurial journey. Vietnam welcomes your initiative and offers valuable support to propel your venture forward.

Cultural Tapestry: Embrace the rich cultural tapestry of Vietnam, where ancient traditions and modern dynamism intertwine. This isn’t just a market; it’s a chance to immerse yourself in a vibrant society, forge meaningful connections, and build a business that thrives through cultural understanding.

Personal Growth: Launching a business in Vietnam is more than just financial gain; it’s a personal odyssey. Imagine yourself navigating new challenges, adapting to a different rhythm, and emerging with a deeper understanding of the world and yourself.

Of course, every venture comes with its challenges. But in Vietnam, the potential rewards outweigh the initial hurdles. So, if you yearn for a vibrant market, a supportive environment, and the thrill of carving your path in a dynamic landscape, then Vietnam awaits. Unfurl your entrepreneurial wings, embrace the challenges, and let the dragon guide you toward success.

4. Conclusion

Vietnam presents a fertile ground for aspiring entrepreneurs to bring their dreams to life. By conducting thorough market research, choosing the right legal structure, securing funding, and building a strong team, you can navigate the business landscape and build a successful venture. Remember, adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and perseverance are key ingredients for unlocking the vast potential of this dynamic Southeast Asian nation.


The above information is provided by Mys Law. For any questions regarding the content of this article, please contact 0969.361.319 or email: [email protected] for further clarification. Best regards!